Watershed Associates was established in 2004 by Jo Parker. Through her extensive network of contacts a wide range of skills and expertise can be accessed, provided by consultants with extensive experience in the utility industry.
Jo Parker – Biographical details
Jo Parker is a chartered civil engineer and has worked in the utility industry for 30 years with a number of different operating companies, the most recent being the Veolia Water Group. There she held a variety of roles including Head of Network Asset Management for Veolia Water Partnership and Operations Director with North Surrey Water. She was awarded the MBE for services to the water industry in 1995.
She has a blend of business and technical experience which equips her to tackle a wide variety of projects, delivering technology based solutions that deliver tangible results. During her career she has been responsible for implementing major changes in a number of companies including those listed in the FTSE 100. Projects include managing a major merger, implementing project management, restructuring operational departments to deliver greater efficiency and reduce risk of failure as well as managing major construction projects.
She is a member of the Institution of Civil Engineers Geospatial Engineering Board and the Buried Infrastructure Working Group, the Water Supply and Quality Panel of the Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management and the Institute of Asset Management competencies panel in the UK as well as the International Water Association Water Loss Task Force.